Monday, May 21, 2012

Stand up for your rights

Women are known to be a target in the corporate world but the question is, why? Are we often the reason because of ourselves or someone else? What I mean by target is someone who is a classified prey already to a predator People don’t tend to realize that the word “woman” in the corporate world is already intimidating as it is. Let alone a woman who actually works in a corporate environment and puts her great effort up forth. I believe all the points I listed above has an influence on our society today each woman should stand up for what’s right and what’s known to be wrong.

I was reading an article about sexual harassment and it states what I exactly mean about woman having to know when to speak up and make sure her voice is heard because if not it’s just going to be a continuous cycle of a social issue.

Here is an example of the stated article above.

                In 2007, a federal jury awarded $11.6 million in damages to Anucha Browne Sanders, a former New York Knicks executive who claimed the team's coach, former NBA star Isiah Thomas, had sexually harassed her with verbal insults and unwanted advances. After an appeal, the case was later settled, with Madison Square Garden agreeing to pay her $11.5 million. NBA spokesman Tim Frank said Wednesday that the league has a "respect-in-the-workplace policy" for its employees and advises teams to adopt their own policies. He said the NBA and its Players Association conduct an annual training camp for rookies to educate them on "all aspects of being a professional."

Though allegations against sports figures of sexual misconduct have garnered widespread headlines - golfer Tiger Woods and former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky are among the recent examples - they seldom are accused of workplace sexual harassment, said William Gould, a former National Labor Relations Board chairman who teaches labor law and has written about legal issues in sports. Gould said, however, that big-time sports can foster immaturity and arrogance that manifests itself in sexual abuse, and that college recruiting practices are partly to blame. (SFGate, 2007)

Overall, it’s great to state an issue that is uncomfortable and can become a voice for the next generation as well.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A stigma

Stigma-a mark of disgrace or infamy, stained or reproached on one's reputation.

 A huge stigma in my neighborhood is someone who’s sent to jail. The social stigma is that he/she is a criminal or there bad because they have done wrong. Where I grew up it’s assumed that people who end up going to jail is forever a criminal and never can be trusted. For example, when someone with a higher reputation hears or learns about it they seem to be skeptical about whether approaching the person or not.  I personally don’t believe that when someone is sent to jail they should be viewed as the worst person in the world. But I also believe that depending on what the case was they should be thoroughly thought through.

My relationship with this stigma is that my cousin who is very dear to me has been locked up since 2004 for something that he hasn’t committed but cannot snitch on his own blood as well. It’s like his destiny is already written out for him. This is where the stigma comes in. People who hear about that my cousin is locked up they don’t want to have anything to do with me whether it’s my own blood or not. I don’t believe that someone should automatically have a bad reputation on them when nobody knows what the case really is. The media makes it look just like I said above. What I’m doing to reinforce this stigma is staying away with anything that has to do with the law. I understand that the law is to serve us the best way they can but there are pros and cons to everything.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

My Pledges

I Ohma, Shah pledge to stop procrastinating and to be more consistent with my work.

I plan to do this by:

  • ·         Finishing assignments at the appropriate time
  • ·         Not giving myself any excuses to let any of my work pile up.

I Ohma, Shah pledge to prove to myself that I can succeed inside and outside of a business structure.

I plan to do this by:

  • ·         Becoming more proficient with code-switching properly
  • ·         Understanding the circumstances to every decision I make hereafter.

I  Ohma, Shah pledge to graduate out of the Year Up Program so that I can reassure myself that I will make it.

I plan to do this by:
  •       Constantly striving
  • ·         Pushing myself to the best of my knowledge.