Monday, April 2, 2012


Basic advertising is usually seen on billboards, shelters, and pop-up ads on your phone. But for me certain other advertising methods are more appealing. One way to advertise products from my point of view would be through the radio. I listen to music every day and when I get a chance to listen to the radio sometimes the advertising really catches my train of thoughts. For example I like make up and when I heard the new Maybelline Illegal Length Fiber Extensions Waterproof Mascara ad on the radio you know I had to get it.

So I’m either listening to the radio or watching TV. Watching television is another method of advertising that stands out to me. I personally think that advertising an ad on television is infinite for any entrepreneur or consumer. My experience with this method in particular is good. I mean who doesn’t mostly learn about ads from watching TV? I may not pursue anything in the ads myself but I am aware of them. If the advertising doesn’t apply to me it doesn’t matter how it’s advertised. 

What does it take to grab my attention or interest? Hmm. It takes my personal interest to grab any attention. For example what I want, like, use, etc. I know that there’s thousands and more advertisements out there but a couple that can only apply to me. Advertisements from my favorite celebrities can help a little with grabbing my attention.The only reason why I said a little was because I feel that celebrities aren’t always using the products that they advertise out there. The forms of advertising I ignore I have to say would be on billboards, buses, shelters, etc. I chose these methods to be less appealing to me because I don’t pay attention to them in traffic, I just never did.  

1 comment:

  1. I really like the fact that you mentioned the radio as a form of advertisement because it is something that we are influenced tremendously. Great Post!
